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Stages of Hair Growth

Why does iron deficiency cause hair loss?


Hair loss has many causes, and it can affect adults and children of all genders. Hair loss isn't only caused by male-pattern baldness. It can also be caused by a lack of nutrients. When you don't have enough iron, your body can't produce the hemoglobin in your blood. Hemoglobin carries oxygen for the growth and repair of cells in your body, including the cells that stimulate hair growth.

With treatment, you can help reverse both the iron deficiency and the hairloss.


What does it look like?

Iron deficiency hair loss can look like traditional male- and female-pattern hair loss. A study published in the Journal of Korean Medical Science found that iron may not only play a role in hair loss, but it may cause hair to fall out in a fashion similar to that of genetic male- and female-pattern baldness.

If you're experiencing hair loss, you may notice more hair than usual in the shower drain or in your hairbrushes. In more advanced cases you may notice bald spots on your scalp.


How do you treat iron deficiency and hair loss?

Most hair loss related to iron deficiency is not permanent. The best way to treat hair loss is to address the underlying cause of the problem. If you think your hair loss is related to an iron deficiency, consult a doctor to measure your iron levels. Your doctor will most likely order a ferritin level blood test, which measures the levels of a protein called ferritin that helps store iron.

If your test results show low iron levels, you can treat it with iron supplements. You may experience a change in bowel movements as a side effect of the extra iron, so tell your doctor if you're prone to upset stomach.


* What is the outlook for hair loss caused by iron deficiency?

Losing hair due to iron deficiency should only last temporarily. It's always a good idea to visit your doctor to discuss treatment options and get you on the path to optimal health quickly. Your doctor can help you change your diet to get the right amount of iron for your needs

* Can you prevent iron deficiency and hair loss?

To prevent future hair loss, you should: Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Be sure to fill up on iron-rich foods like spinach, peas, lean proteins - like pork and salmon- and dried fruit. You should also look for the phrase "iron-fortified" on labels of packaged foods

like cereals

Add foods high in vitamin C to your diet. These foods allow your body to absorb iron in a more efficient manner. Be sure to eat more oranges. strawberries, melons, broccoli, and tomatoes.

* Wear your hair down. Wearing it tight in a headband can lead to breakage and hair loss. Protect your hair from the elements with scarves and hats. On exceptionally sunny and windy days, keep your hair covered

* Brush and wash your hair gently. Being gentle can help you avoid pulling out anv excess hair durina routine maintenance.

* Avoid using chemicals and hair dyes. If you do use chemicals and hair, seek help or guidance from a trained professional.

* Avoid heat-based equipment like blow dryers and curling irons. If you must use them, add a layer of protection with hair-protectant gel or mousse, which you can purchase at any supermarket or drug store.

Healthy scalp image
Dandruff scalp image
Hair growth




It’s easy to neglect what you can’t see, which is why many of us forget to nurture our scalps. However, lack of scalp care can lead to conditions that will eventually demand our attention, leaving us to fix problems that could have easily been avoided. From dryness and itchiness to irritation and dreaded dandruff, all these conditions can be avoided if we spend just a few minutes caring for our scalps every week.

“Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp.”


It's important to care for your scalp no matter your hair type. Like the skin on your face, the skin on your scalp ages and changes. “Healthy hair and a healthy scalp can change overnight.”  The solution to treating or avoiding scalp conditions is to know how to take care of your scalp properly and then stick to a routine.


But first 


How to Tell If you have a healthy scalp (Or not)?

“Your scalp works unrelentingly to encourage hair growth and regulate oil production,”

“Scalp care isn’t reserved for those suffering from dandruff or itchiness — it’s for everyone.”

Suffice it to say, the healthier your scalp is, the healthier your hair will be. If you have hair goals for your locks, then diligent scalp care is a must despite the current condition of the skin on your head.

But knowing what state your scalp is in will, of course, help you to determine the best scalp care routine.

A healthy scalp is free of:

  • Dryness

  • Irritation

  • Redness

  • Infection

  • Flakes

  • Burning

  • Excessive oil

  • Sun damage

  • Excessive hair loss

If you experience any of the above, then a simple adjustment to your hair care routine can make all the difference. *Extreme conditions or symptoms should be treated by a qualified dermatologist.

How to Take Care of Your Scalp?

We gathered to compile a list of the top scalp care methods that have proven to help this type of skin (and the hair it produces) thrive!


Let’s see what advice we have:


  1. Wash your hair less often. Shampooing your hair often can strip away the natural oils (sebum) your scalp produces. This can leave it dry and vulnerable to irritation, but it can also encourage your scalp to produce more oils to restore lost moisture – the result here is oily, lack-lustre hair. If you currently wash your hair daily or every other day, try adapting your routine so that you wash your hair 2-3 times a week instead, to avoid overwashing.

  2. Stimulate your scalp. Massage your scalp regularly to stimulate blood circulation. The better your blood circulation, the better your hair growth. All this healthy blood flowing around your scalp will also help to heal any damaged skin and will nourish it overall.

  3. Use gentle hair care products. Avoid hair products that contain sulfates and harsh chemicals. Sulfates strip away natural oils on your hair and some chemicals can burn layers of skin. Rossano Ferretti Parma has a delectable range of sulfate-free shampoos that cleanse and soften hair without removing all the sebum from your scalp.

  4. Use a hair scalp treatment designed specifically for scalp care. Scalp hair products can be hard to come by. However, when you do find a magical formula, hold onto it tightly! A professional scalp treatment can help to exfoliate, treat, and rebalance your scalp, leaving it in its best condition!


Quick one: How to care for a dry scalp vs oily scalp?

Both dry and oily scalps can be a recipe for hair trouble.

For dry scalps and hair, we recommend a hair care routine that includes washing tresses with a gentle, moisturising shampoo or scalp scrub, followed by a deep hydrating conditioner or hair mask.

We agree that the trick for oily hair is to resist the urge to use clarifying shampoos. Instead, wash with a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo one day, and a gentle exfoliating scalp scrub the next 


Introducing Scalp Scrub – essential for scalp care!

Cleansing Scalp Scrub has been meticulously formulated to target scalp care. It can be used weekly or twice a week to deeply clean, refresh, and soothe your scalp while it nourishes skin cells, unclogs pores, and promotes shiny, healthy hair growth.



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